Bounce Gymnastics Rules
☺ Students are only allowed on the equipment during class time/open gym under the direct supervision of a staff member. Please do not enter practice area before or after class time/open gym time.
☺ Parents and siblings must stay in the observation area.
☺ Please do not sit or climb over the cubbies or fence.
☺ Gymnasts should have bare feet or gym shoes during practice time. Socks are too slippery.
☺ Adults may not attempt skills on any of the equipment. Adults are not allowed on the trampolines except to assist their child.
☺ No gum, candy or drinks are allowed in the gymnastics area.
☺ Long hair should be put up into a ponytail for class time.
☺ No bouncing from tramp to tramp.
☺ Always use the walkways to exist the trampoline area.
☺ Only one person per trampoline at all times.
☺ Never crawl under the Tumble Trak.
☺ Please do not climb onto the top of the donut mat.
☺ All mats belong on the floor, please do not throw or shove them at people.
☺ Have respect for the gym and the people in it.
☺ Have lots of fun learning gymnastics!